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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Best song EVER!

For anyone who likes music this is the song of ALL time! About two days, Coldplay released there new single. it is called "Paradise" and as I have listened to this song. I felt as if I was filled with this overwhelming excitement! I have now constantly been playing this song over and over again. no matter where I am at! I would have to say that this song is probably the greatest song that ever has been compiled together. I believe in 20 years when they play classics of this century, this will be one. It is going down in the Books! I advise anyone to just listen to this wonderful song and just see if you are not more happy than you were before listening to it.


  1. This is a great song! Great beat and lyrics. Thanks for sharing

  2. I totally have this song in my head now. Although it is annoying to have songs stuck in your head, I'm not sure having this one on constant replay is a bad thing.

  3. I love Coldplay. I hadn't heard this song before I heard it here. Thanks for posting it! :)

  4. I usually think that Coldplay has a great song on one album and then all the rest is garbage. But this song is pretty cool. props.
